The Garden Island corrects errors of fact in news stories. If you notice an error, please contact us at one of the numbers listed in the staff box below. • The article June 24, “A palace for the potash king,”
The Garden Island corrects errors of fact in news stories. If you notice an error, please contact us at one of the numbers listed in the staff box below.
• The article June 24, “A palace for the potash king,” should state that Steven Dechka owns a three-acre parcel on a larger parcel of 16.95 acres that is subject of a five-lot condominium regime division. Farm dwellings exist on two of the five parcels, but not Dechka’s.
• In Friday’s front-page article, “Test scores go up, but over half of Kaua‘i schools not progressing adequately,” the state Department of Education on second reference should have been DOE. Waimea Canyon Middle School met adequate yearly progress per federal No Child Left Behind Act standards, and Wilcox Elementary was left off the list of Kaua‘i public schools. Wilcox did not meet AYP, and is planning for restructuring under NCLB.
• The article July 14, “Public input sought on opens spaces,” about the county open-space commission survey, should have said residents have until Aug. 15 to respond to the survey.