Kaua‘i Bible Church will be offering their Sunday service in a most unusual way, a news release says. It won’t be at their local facility in ‘Oma‘o but will be at Salt Pond Beach Park in the main pavilion. Instead
Kaua‘i Bible Church will be offering their Sunday service in a most unusual way, a news release says.
It won’t be at their local facility in ‘Oma‘o but will be at Salt Pond Beach Park in the main pavilion. Instead of receiving from people, the release says, gifts will be distributed to people.
“We are calling it Church on the Beach,” Pastor Merv Walker said.
Due to the local economy, the release says it’s evident many people are really hurting financially. Instead of receiving an offering, Church on the Beach will be giving an offering to the people who have come and registered.
There will be free giveaways such as several new bicycles, many 20-pound rice bags, soap detergent, five new sleeping bags, baby diapers, new slippers, five $50 credit coupons for your electric bill, all types of food, kitchen and household needs, new backpacks for school, clothing and more.
The event will conclude with a prayer of blessing and a free lunch for everyone.
In order to qualify, register at the park from 9 to 10 a.m. Free gifts will begin to be distributed at 9:30 a.m. At 10 a.m., service will begin with special music from the KBC band along with other presentations such as hula and baton twirling.
For more information, call 742-7514.