• Welfare-reform funds workshop set • Foster parent training on • Waimea reunion meeting set • Project Grad holds meeting • Entries sought for outstanding seniors Welfare-reform funds workshop set Officials with the Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc. Professional Foster Parent
• Welfare-reform funds workshop set
• Foster parent training on
• Waimea reunion meeting set
• Project Grad holds meeting
• Entries sought for outstanding seniors
Welfare-reform funds workshop set
Officials with the Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc. Professional Foster Parent Program announced in a press release the scheduling of two training sessions for those interested in becoming professional foster parents.
Both sessions will be held at the Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc. offices, 2959 ‘Umi St., in Lihu‘e.
The evening training begins today, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The daytime training begins March 1, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Attendance is required at all sessions to become licensed.
To reserve a training spot or to get more information about the licensing requirements, contact Cynthia Weiss, professional parent recruiter, at 245-2873, or cweiss@haleopio.org.
Foster parent training on
Members of the Waimea High School Class of 1962 are planning a class reunion, and have a meeting set for Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Kalaheo Neighborhood Center, classmates said in a press release.
They are looking for help in sending out information on the reunion to classmates, and in planning programs for two nights of festivities.
For more information, call Sharon, 335-6074, after 5:30 p.m.
Free movie day for teens is today
Members of the Waimea High School Class of 1962 are planning a class reunion, and have a meeting set for tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Kalaheo Neighborhood Center, classmates said in a press release.
They are looking for help in sending out information on the reunion to classmates, and in planning programs for two nights of festivities.
For more information, call Sharon, 335-6074, after 5:30 p.m.
Project Grad holds meeting
Members of the Waimea High School Project Grad committee, planning a drug- and alcohol-free, all-night party for members of the Waimea High School Class of 2006, have a planning meeting on Wednesday, and the first Wednesday of each month, at 7 p.m. at the Waimea Neighborhood Center.
Fund-raising plans will be discussed.
All interested parents and supporters of members of the senior class, and parents of members of the junior class, are encouraged to attend.
Members of the Class of
2006 are respectfully asked
not to attend, committee members announced in a press release.
Entries sought for outstanding seniors
Officials in the county Offices of Community Assistance Agency on Elderly Affairs invite individuals and representatives of organizations to nominate seniors who have made significant contributions in the community for this year’s Outstanding Older American Award, they said in a press release.
Nominees must be 65 years of age or older.
Judging will be based on age, service to the community, outstanding achievements to improve the island, and personal accomplishments, county officials said.
Members of a judging committee will select one male and one female as Kaua‘i’s Older American Award recipients.
Last year’s awardees were Millicent “Millie” Wellington and James “Jimmy” Okada.
All of the nominees will be honored at a special ceremony, to be held on May 8 at the Kauai Beach Hotel & Resort (former Radisson Beach Resort) during May, Older Americans Month.
The deadline for nominations is Wednesday.
Forms are available at the AEA, located at the Lihu‘e Civic Center Pi‘ikoi Building (former Gem Store), Suite 330. Call 241-4470 for more information.