HANAMA‘ULU — East Kauai Lions Club member Wayne Shimizu headed up a group of volunteer Lions who spent two days testing the sight and hearing of second- and fifth-grade students at King Kaumuali‘i Elementary School recently. Shimizu said the East
HANAMA‘ULU — East Kauai Lions Club member Wayne Shimizu headed up a group of volunteer Lions who spent two days testing the sight and hearing of second- and fifth-grade students at King Kaumuali‘i Elementary School recently.
Shimizu said the East Kauai Lions Club members handle the testing for both King Kaumuali‘i and Wilcox Elementary schools, but the Wilcox testing won’t take place until later in April due to the scheduling of standardized, achievement testing scheduled this month at the Lihu‘e school.
State Department of Health leaders provide the audio testing machine, with the Lions operating and supervising the tests that involve students raising one of two hands, depending in which ear a tone is heard.
Sight testing involves more volunteers, as one Lion has to cover one of the student’s eyes while the other randomly moves a circle around a chart of Es.
Shimizu said he remembers these tests when he was a student, and could not even come up with an idea of how long club members have been involved in administering the tests.
On hand to help with the tests was East Kauai Lions Club member Steven Fujii, who is the chair of the East Kauai Lions Club annual pancake breakfast, scheduled for March 5 at Wilcox Elementary School starting at 6:30 a.m.
Tickets for the event are still available from any of the East Kauai Lions Club members, or for a $6 donation at the door.
Guy Higa, who is co-chair of the breakfast along with Fujii, noted that Leo Club members from Kaua‘i High School will be helping the Lions at the event that has always featured a healthy menu of pancakes, eggs, sausage, fresh fruit, including specially-flown in Sugarloaf pineapple from Maui, and miso soup.
Proceeds from this annual breakfast benefit sight and hearing projects such as the testing at King Kaumuali‘i School as well as Lions Quest curriculum for the prevention of drug abuse.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, may be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.com.