We the family of the late Donald H. Kanahele and Jason K. Kanahele feel a deep loss of our passing loved ones. They will always be remembered in our hearts. But now they remain in paradise in heaven, in God’s
We the family of the late Donald H. Kanahele and Jason K. Kanahele feel a deep loss of our passing loved ones. They will always be remembered in our hearts.
But now they remain in paradise in heaven, in God’s hands, we pray.
Our deepest gratitude for being a part of our life and their life.
Mahalo to the ‘ohana, friends for their prayers, comfort, gifts of love, support and sympathy, floral offerings, and monetary gifts. We extend our sincere and heartfelt appreciation. Mahalo nui loa. Never-ending love.
Special mahalo to Kahu Dana Kaohelaulii, Waimea Hawaiian Church; Steve Girald, Kauai Freight; Koloa Borthwick; Waalani Enterprise; Kauai Veterans Trucking; Kaliko Tent & Table Rental; Ke Kula Ni‘ihau O Kekaha; The Garden Island; catering by Lazaro ‘ohana of Kekaha; Waimea Canyon General Store; Flowers Forever; Kaluahine Brothers, Kala and Clyde; Kaipo Kanahele; Isaac Kanahele; Robert Kaliko, and the Kanahele, Kelley, Kahale, Kaohelaulii, Pahulehua, Kaaumoana, Beniamina, Kahokuloa, Shintani, Niheu, Niau, Robinson, and Licayan-Mawae ‘ohana.
God bless to all, and mahalo.
• Cheryl Kahokuloa
For the Kanahele ‘ohana of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau