The Third Annual East Kaua‘i Family Summit is Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Kapa‘a High School. The afternoon is planned to include fun, free food, and opportunities for learning, organizers said in a press release. There will
The Third Annual East Kaua‘i Family Summit is Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Kapa‘a High School.
The afternoon is planned to include fun, free food, and opportunities for learning, organizers said in a press release.
There will be between 60 and 70 booths where volunteers will offer a variety of things to do, including making action figures and dolls out of recycled materials, taking the challenge of a low ropes course set up by the owners of Kauai Team Challenge, participating in a hands-on demonstration of Hawaiian drumming and wood carving, enjoying balloon sculptures created by the Balloon Man, learning how to do movements in the Smart Exercise program, and lots of make-and-take activities.
Entertainment will be provided by children’s ‘ukulele groups from Hanalei and Kilauea schools, the Kapa‘a Middle School choral group, All Saints Church Preschool children, Japanese dancers from the Kapa‘a Neighborhood Center, and Lady Ipo and Garrett Santos.
Food will be donated by approximately 15 restaurants in the Kapa‘a district.
The keynote speakers will be Herman and Joan Paleka, who will be sharing their experiences of living in Nigeria for a year, and helping families there become self-sufficient.
Additionally, Kaua‘i Police Department officers will be conducting workshops on how to keep children safe from Internet child predators, and how to prevent children from joining gangs.
According to Francesco Garripoli, one of the event organizers, the Eastside summit is dedicated to strengthening Kaua‘i’s families.
Sponsors of the East Kaua‘i Family Summit include those in the County of Kaua‘i anti-drug office, state Department of Education, Kahuna Valley, and the Kauai Rural Health Association.
For more information about the event, contact Anna Peters at 632-2114 or Monica Ka‘auwai at 245-6622.