LIHU‘E — His electric guitar goes everywhere Nick Ladenheim goes. Ladenheim would not put it down, not even when the dozen home-school students took a break from their classroom work for a popcorn break. “It’s all about movies,” joked J
LIHU‘E — His electric guitar goes everywhere Nick Ladenheim goes.
Ladenheim would not put it down, not even when the dozen home-school students took a break from their classroom work for a popcorn break.
“It’s all about movies,” joked J Robertson, executive director of Ho‘ike Kaua‘i Community Television Inc.
“They’re learning how to make movies, so now it’s popcorn time.” About a dozen home-school students converged on the Rice Street facilities of Ho‘ike, as they’ve been doing for the past several weeks.
Under the direction and instruction of Renate Seldon, the dozen home-schoolers have been learning video production, Robertson explained.
“The course is a curriculum-based instructional program, and dovetails into other educational areas,” Seldon pointed out.
“Additionally, while fulfilling their educational requirements, the students will leave being certified Ho‘ike operators,” Robertson added.
The certification makes Ho‘ike equipment available to the certified students for future endeavors in the video-production field.
Students in the program come from all parts of the island, Robertson said. They come to the Ho‘ike facility two days a week, on Mondays and Tuesdays, where they spend about six hours a day working to fulfill their requirements in an eight-week course.
Seldon, who brings experience from a Public Broadcasting System program in Michigan, works with the students, who spent last week videotaping a dog getting washed.
This footage was being worked on in the Ho‘ike editing station, and outbursts of giggles and laughter highlighted the session as the group worked to put the segments together based on a story board they developed earlier.
Other students worked in the Ho‘ike studio, where Ladenheim was going to “star” in teaching people how to re-string a guitar.
Robertson credited Justin Thaine with getting the home-school program started in partnership with Ho‘ike officials. The non-traditional, hands-on teaching program, however, is not new to Ho‘ike, as Robertson explained that they started a similar program last year with students of Ke Kula O Ni‘ihau O Kekaha public-charter school.
“The students are really good,” Robertson said. “In about 10 minutes, they’re flying on the computers, where adults would still be trying to get familiar with the computer.” In addition to working with students on this level, Ho‘ike leaders also provide students with insights on career opportunities in the video-production and movie industries by participating in several career-day presentations at various Kaua‘i public schools.
“It’s all about documenting different ideas and concepts,” Robertson said.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, may be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.