• Bike path will protect access • Bombing in the name of freedom • Damage control is not the answer • Use surplus to get state back on track • Incredible TLC from Wilcox Hospital ICU staff Bike path will
• Bike path will protect access
• Bombing in the name of freedom
• Damage control is not the answer
• Use surplus to get state back on track
• Incredible TLC from Wilcox Hospital ICU staff
Bike path will protect access
I am solidly in favor of the Eastside bike path. It’s true that I don’t own a bicycle and seldom see anyone ride a bike along the completed portion of the path that runs by Lydgate Park. But I walk along it now and then.
To me, what makes the bike path such a good idea is the way that it asserts the public’s right to the beaches of Kaua’i. Right now you can walk along the path and see a condo project on the mountain side and rest assured that the ocean side will always belong to the people of Kaua’i.
I am all for development. As long as we live in a consumptive society we have no choice but to produce. What bothers me though, is the way that moneyed interests continually chip away at the common good. Heck, they don’t even believe that there is a common good. To them, our world is just a commodity sold to the highest bidder.
So another massive condo project is getting ready to break ground in Waipouli with 192 units in four-story “bungalows.” Hey, why not? It’s consistent with the zoning. They should get to build it.
I think the developer’s plan for public beach access is a little sketchy. They propose a 6-foot-wide “road” in a 10-foot-wide right of way that runs upwards of a quarter mile from four parking spots of Kuhio Highway. The developer barely acknowledges the bike path in their site plan. Maybe they are hoping that it just goes away.
Exclusive enjoyment of the beach frontage would certainly be a selling feature of the project.
The bike path will go a long way to protecting the beach access that we have long taken for granted.
Bombing in the name of freedom
Now we’re killing Pakistanis in the name of American freedom and goodness. More U.S. “intelligence” to blame for, and 18 innocent Pakistani people are murdered. And what is the result?
Another country of Islamic people who are attacked by the democracy-spreading Bush administration.
Of the 18 killed 5 were women, and 5 children.
If someone killed your kids, would you be mad?
If someone killed your wife or sister, mother, aunt … would you be mad?
Would you want to strike back someday, even if it took 20 years?
Bush administration spokesmodel Scott McClellen merely stated the old tired line of, “al Qaeda continues to seek to do harm to the American people.”
It seems increasingly obvious that a war on terror is being waged. From both sides.
Damage control is not the answer
This is to offer some thoughts about TGI’s Jan. 19, 2006, editorial entitled “Damage control needed at Kauai Police Department.” After using qualified terms such as “rumored,” “claim,” “allegedly,” “widely speculated,” “apparently” and “suspected” throughout the piece it wanders to its wobbly conclusion that “damage control” is the answer. I don’t think so. Damage control is a coverup and that can never be a justifiable solution to any problem.
Some of the wisest words in our law are set forth at the beginning of the State Sunshine law which declares: “In a democracy the people are vested with the ultimate decision-making power. Government agencies exist to aid the people in the formation and conduct of public policy … Therefore …it is the policy of this state that the formation and conduct of public policy — the discussion, deliberations, decisions and actions of governmental agencies — shall be conducted as openly as possible.”
A major problem that surrounds our police department is the lack of public knowledge about the actions of the department and its officers. There is no clear public perception of any of the events mentioned in the editorial because they are largely shrouded in secrecy.
Using claimed protection of privacy, executive sessions and attorney client privilege as shields meaningful information as to controversies concerning the department is simply unavailable.
In theory the threatened investigation of the department by the County Council could be of value but that possibility is poisoned by the bias of Council members and because State law and the County Charter are determinative as to the process of police chief selection there is little on which the Council might legislate.
Openness not secrecy should be the policy of our Police Commission and our police department. A better-informed populace can lead to identifying the problems which exist and their solution. Damage control is the wrong beacon.
Use surplus to get state back on track
I was surprised, as I am sure most of us were, at the huge surplus the State seems to have this year. I am even more surprised that some legislators want to return some of it back to the taxpayers.
With our schools, highways and homeless projects so under-funded why are they even calling it a surplus? I say spend it on the schools, highways and homeless and if there is still some left, bank it for next year and get this state back on the track it should be on. Now is the time to get caught up on underfunded and ignored projects.
Those who would really be served by a tax refund never get enough to make a real difference anyway. The big difference would be in making our school buildings and grounds a safe and pleasant learning environment for our keiki. I think many people don’t realize that we have a surplus not so much from the taxes collected from Hawai’i residents but the record amount of visitors to Hawai’i in the last year. We may not have these funds again next year so let’s use them wisely.
Incredible TLC from Wilcox Hospital ICU staff
On Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2005, my mother was rushed to Wilcox Memorial for emergency surgery related to colon cancer. She was in the Intensive Care Unit for just over one week when she lost her battle with the disease.
During her week in the ICU, she was treated with utmost care and respect by the exemplary medical and nursing staff of the hospital. They were constant in their duty, making sure that she was as comfortable and as pain-free as possible. Their tender loving care not only gave her ease but brought great solace to her family.
Our thanks and heartfelt appreciation to the entire nursing staff, with special mention to ICU nurses Dyana and Nancy, who never left my mother’s side, to Dr. Cadeline Terdik, whose calm, loving compassion touched us so deeply, Dr. Chris Jordan, her wonderful primary surgeon, and Dr. Arnold Serota, who brought humor and balance into a very difficult situation. The people of Kaua’i are fortunate indeed to have such a dedicated and wonderful group of medical professionals available.
From my entire family, our mahalo nui loa to you all.