Ulu Breen was elected president, and outgoing president Heather Farmer was elected vice president, of The Aloha Council Of The Blind Club, according to a press release. Rachel Tamura was elected secretary, and Larry Tachikawa was elected treasurer. Glenn Nakagawara
Ulu Breen was elected president, and outgoing president Heather Farmer was elected vice president, of The Aloha Council Of The Blind Club, according to a press release.
Rachel Tamura was elected secretary, and Larry Tachikawa was elected treasurer.
Glenn Nakagawara talked about the Senior Enrichment Training, to be held on O‘ahu at Ho‘opono in August. Members interested in going to the training need to apply before June.
All expenses will be paid for by Ho‘opono, including round-trip air fare, hotel, and meals.
The Aloha Council Of The Blind Club members will be donating $300 to aid the service men from Kaua‘i who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, they said.
The next club meeting is Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. in the State Building second-floor conference room.
Lunch will be ordered from Mama Lucy’s.
Please contact Glenn Nakagawara to register, and for more information, at 274-3333. Reservations for lunch should be made a week in advance.