Local amateurs enjoyed their New Year’s celebrations, but now it’s time to get back to business in the ocean. H.S.F. (Hawaiian Surfing Federation) Kaua‘i contest #3 heads west to First Ditch in Kekaha. The event is scheduled for January 21-22,
Local amateurs enjoyed their New Year’s celebrations, but now it’s time to get back to business in the ocean.
H.S.F. (Hawaiian Surfing Federation) Kaua‘i contest #3 heads west to First Ditch in Kekaha.
The event is scheduled for January 21-22, with alternate dates of Jan. 28-28 on the calendar, just in case the surf isn’t good enough.
Contest #4 is at Kealia Beach Break on March 4-5 (alt. dates, March 11-12).
Then the final event of the season takes place at PK’s in Po‘ipu on April 22-23 (alt. dates, April 29-30).
The state championships will be held on O‘ahu at Ala Moana Bowls.
For more information, contact the contest hotline at 338-1952.
Meanwhile the NSSA (National Scholastic Surfing Association) heats up on the island from February 4-5 at Pine Trees in Hanalei (alt. dates, Feb. 11-12).
Contact NSSA Hawai‘i director Bobbi Lee at 808-456-7873 for more information.
Duane Shimogawa Jr., sports editor, may be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 257) or kauaisports@kauaipubco.com.