Professional foster-parent training set Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc. professional foster-parent training begins Tuesday, Jan. 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The training will be held at Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc., 2959 ‘Umi St., Lihu‘e, near Aloha Furniture Warehouse. To
Professional foster-parent training set
Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc. professional foster-parent training begins Tuesday, Jan. 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The training will be held at Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc., 2959 ‘Umi St., Lihu‘e, near Aloha Furniture Warehouse. To reserve a spot in the training, please contact Cynthia Weiss at 245-2873.
Deadline set for MDA awards
Leaders at the Muscular Dystrophy Association on O‘ahu have set a Monday, Jan. 23 deadline for nominations for the 14th Annual Personal Achievement Awards recognizing accomplishments of people with disabilities caused by neuromuscular diseases. Please call 1-808-593-4454 for details.