At least one scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to a talented Kaua‘i musician through The Mokihana Club 37th Annual Performing Arts Scholarship Competition. Applications are available now, and the application postmark deadline is Monday, March 31. The purpose of
At least one scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to a talented Kaua‘i musician through The Mokihana Club 37th Annual Performing Arts Scholarship Competition.
Applications are available now, and the application postmark deadline is Monday, March 31.
The purpose of the competition is to encourage talented Kaua‘i students to continue their studies in institutions of higher learning, club leaders said.
The competition, set for Wednesday, April 5, encompasses voice, musical instrumentation, dance and theater.
One or more scholarships of at least $1,000 will be awarded to talented graduating seniors from any of Kaua‘i’s high schools, public or private.
Since the establishment of the competition, $79,200 has been granted to 52 Kaua‘i students.
Last year, a total of $8,000 was awarded to seven students: Taren Fujimoto, piano; Chantay Sherrer, dance; Terra Bell, trumpet; Jennifer Ray, piano; Sean Evans, voice and drama; Amanda Benzine, dance; and Kasey Alcott, drama.
The Mokihana Club was established in 1905, and many prominent individuals in Kaua‘i’s community have been active members, including Elsie and Mabel Wilcox, Rice, Robertson, Lydgate, Wedemeyer, Sloggett, Waterhouse, Guslander, Baldwin, Moir and Kusaka.
The scholarship application, along with other requirements outlined in the application, must be postmarked by midnight Monday, March 13.
For further information and applications, please call Marilyn Oglesby, 828-1327, or Lenore Klass, 742-9358.
The Mokihana Club members raise funds for their performing arts scholarships with a Christmas Gala Luncheon and individual donations.
Their newly established nursing scholarships are funded exclusively by the club’s women’s golf scramble, to be held this year on Saturday, April 22, at the Kauai Lagoons Golf Club.
For information and applications for the golf tournament and nursing scholarships, please call Mary Davis, 742-8948.
Lenore Klass is a member of The Mokihana Club, and a resident of Po‘ipu.