Appalled by the maze People, please start making responsible choices! Use area for preserve, not park Kaua’i needs a Costco More sources to check Appalled by the maze I just opened the newspaper, and was aMAZEd by the photo of
- Appalled by the maze
- People, please start making responsible choices!
- Use area for preserve, not park
- Kaua’i needs a Costco
- More sources to check
Appalled by the maze
I just opened the newspaper, and was aMAZEd by the photo of the maze … I love labyrinths and mazes, it puts me in a special state of meditation to walk through them. It definitely does good to my spirit.
BUT — I would never go through THIS maze, built with GENETICALLY MODIFIED corn. What a “unique” (weird?) partnership between a church and Pioneer …. Food for thought …
I am even more appalled when I read that people need to pay to go through it and will get a gift from Pioneer — a DVD praising their work on this island.
For sure there will be nothing in it showing the dangers of what is going on with all the genetically modified organisms that are unfortunately now part of our lives here!
How sad for our beautiful island of Kaua’i and all Kauaians who love it !
People, please start making responsible choices!
I find it very hard to sympathize with people complaining about high gas prices and the inability to own a home here when they drive vehicles that can only be classified as irresponsible paeans to machismo and a false sense of security.
I get tired of listening to the County Commision meetings on Ho’ike and hearing commissioners state that they are constantly being asked to do something about the high gas prices. Nobody has a RIGHT to low gas prices. It is not the responsibility of the County Commission to provide relief because of high gas prices. It is, however, the burden of each and every member of this community to make RESPONSIBLE choices. Frankly, if you are driving a monster truck or SUV, and it isn’t an absolute necessity for your employment, then you don’t have a leg to stand on in terms of complaining. That bad choice is yours and yours alone, so OWN it.
If you don’t like your gas expenditures, trade in that gas-guzzling, sight-obstructing behemoth for something more fuel-efficient and properly sized for this modest community, and stop expecting some entitlement to make irresponsible choices and a bail out when that choice takes a bite out of your hide.
I beg the County Commisioners to not make any decisions that will encourage people to continue living with these bad choices, which adversely affect all of us. If you feel you must intervene, then create incentives for people to purchase and use fuel-efficient vehicles, to get rid of SUVs and monster trucks, and to keep their vehicles in proper working condition.
Use area for preserve, not park
I was born and raised in Kaumakani in the ’50s and am part-Hawaiian.
The area designated by Mayor Baptiste for a regional park has not been used since WW2 and has been wilderness for over 60 years. Anyone who has spent a lot of time in the area cannot help but notice that this land should be a natural preserve. During Spring, yellow daisylike flowers wilt, they drop seeds and the mouse population increases. Pueo come in to feed on the mice, and their freediving antics are wonderful.
Must every open area be exploited only for the use of people? Isn’t this the Garden Island? The root of the problem is that there are too many people moving to this tiny island. Areas on the mainland have limited their population growth, can’t our Council and Mayor get together and create a lottery system, waitlist or other alternative to limit the number of people moving here. Tourism is thriving and is a very sustainable industry (among others). Are we going to develop every possible area only to create another O’ahu or Maui?
There are so many other pressing problems on the island like homelessness, traffic, bad roads, housing costs, etc. so that spending millions on a park in this habitat is unwarranted. By the way, the ballparks in Hanapepe are hardly ever used! I say leave alone! Mahalo.
Kaua’i needs a Costco
What a disappointment to see the headline in a recent Garden Island newspaper: “The future of Costco in doubt!”
The existence of a Costco would not only be beneficial to us as buyers but it would also provide excellent employment opportunities for our local workers.
What is the explanation of the statement that the construction companies came in 30 percent over the anticipated cost? Obviously, this situation was not apparent previously. As a result this chain of events means that those of us who wish to buy special items and large amounts of goods will still need to fly to O’ahu where there are three Costco stores!! The cost of the airfare seems to still make it profitable to shop at Costco. It’s just that having a Costco on Kaua’i would make the many savings available to a much larger group of shoppers who for one reason or another cannot enjoy the luxury of flying to O’ahu!
Let’s reflect on the opinions of those stating that the building of a Home Depot would hurt the small entrepreneur. Then Home Depot came anyway and the local residents are shopping there everyday and I still see the individual hardware stores busy!! Never fear — Big Save, Safeway, Star Market, and many others will still be busy as they do not offer the same type of merchandise that Costco makes available.
More sources to check
Bettejo, you say you stick with Charles and Carl, that is an uneducated stance. I realize you have not checked all the sources as of yet.
Romans 1:20-23 “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claim to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the Glory of the immortal God for images …” In all the places on earth, we who live on Kaua’i have less of an excuse with all the beauty that is displayed on our island. I would say look at your window and see the beauty our Heavenly Father has created!
Norman L. Geisler said “Even skeptics have faith, they have faith that skepticism is true. Likewise agnostics have faith that agnosticism is true. There are no neutral positions when it comes to beliefs.”
Bettejo, I pray that the eyes of your heart would be opened.