• Mazor made a difference for KCDM and Kaua’I • Water under the bridge • Kauai Hospice no ka oe! Mazor made a difference for KCDM and Kaua’i I reacted with a shock of disbelief when I heard that Robin
• Mazor made a difference for KCDM and Kaua’I
• Water under the bridge
• Kauai Hospice no ka oe!
Mazor made a difference for KCDM and Kaua’i
I reacted with a shock of disbelief when I heard that Robin Mazor is no longer the executive director of the Kaua’i Children’s Discovery Museum. In my eyes, and I’m sure to most people on Kaua’i, Robin is the Kaua’i Children’s Discovery Museum.
It is difficult to imagine the KCDM without her vision, dedication and steady guidance.
Way back in 1993, it was through Robin’s intense belief in the need for a children’s museum on Kaua’i, her patience and humbleness which in turn gained her the respect of community and government leaders that made Ms. Mazor’s vision of KCDM a reality with world-class exhibits in the fields of science and art.
I remember the phone call for advice in the days when the children’s museum was just a dream waiting to become a reality. We discussed the importance of developing credibility and trust so that the community would buy into this new venture. And they did just that. Robin networked, made connections, gained support, did fund-raising and became a pro at writing grants which annually bring in thousands of dollars. She also visited numerous children’s museums on the Mainland where she has made valuable relationships with other directors in the field.
Living on a neighbor island, the children of Kaua’i are at a disadvantage in many ways. They are isolated from the exposure and experiences children living on O’ahu take for granted. Many of our youngsters have never been in an elevator or ridden an escalator, and visiting a zoo or sea life park is an unknown adventure. Anyone working with young schoolchildren knows how difficult it is to even plan an excursion on Kaua’i as the availability of places or experiences open to groups of children is extremely limited. Robin understood this.
For the last 11 years, KCDM has regularly set up stimulating and challenging experiences for the children as well as bringing the latest and best traveling exhibits from the Mainland. Through Robin’s leadership as executive director, KCDM and staff filled a void for classroom teachers and also offered quality experiences for families to enjoy together. It also has far-reaching opportunities of enriching family outings among our visitors in the visitor industry, which Kaua’i’s economy is so dependent upon.
Robin is attuned to the needs of the community and created Keiki camps as a stimulating experience during school breaks, video productions, Project Discovery as well as active hands-on programs such as the watershed project Malama Ho’opili for ‘tweens and teens. Her creative and innovative ideas have become successful programs through hard work and determination as executive director of KCDM.
On behalf of K.I.D.S. preschoolers who have enjoyed many stimulating excursions to KCDM, we owe Robin Mazor a big debt of gratitude.
I hope that Robin Mazor continues her commitment to the children of Kaua’i. I’ve heard her speak passionately of an oceanography center for Kaua’i’s children with that same intensity in her eyes. I know that whatever she chooses to do, because she has built her credibility and earned our trust, that the Kaua’i community will support her and once again get behind her.
Yes, one person can make a difference — and for Kaua’i Children’s Discovery Museum, that person is Robin Mazor.
- Phyllis Kunimura, director
Kaua’i Independent Daycare Services Inc.
Water under the bridge
The saying “The squeaky wheel gets the grease” CAN be true, even if that wheel doesn’t speak for the majority of reasonable people. I notice the views of Mr. Glenn Mickens getting printed frequently in the Forum, and since sometimes I disagree with his point of view, I wanted to “squeak up” myself.
In his latest letter, he expresses concern over the cost for the now-completed ‘Olohena Bridge. From what I can tell, he would have preferred to have the U.S. Government pay 70to build a $500,000 bridge (or about $350,000) and have the county put in the remaining $150,000. Instead theyspent $850,000 and got over $3 million from the Federal Government to build a more long-lasting $4.2-million bridge. Should I assume the $500,000 bridge is just as good as the $4 million bridge? If they were just as good, wouldn’t every bridge be of this design?
In fact, Acrow bridges were designed by the U.S. military to respond to troop movement, are generally used by civilians as temporary bridges while the “real” bridge is repaired, and are ugly metal contraptions that must be carefully maintained in a wet environment. And would he rather that Federal money (our taxes yes?) go to some other state while we here in Kaua’i are paying each year for the increased upkeep of the cheaper bridge? A good chunk of that $3 million from the Feds is being put into the pockets of local companies and workers as well, right? I don’t see his logic.
Also while I appreciate his concerns about all the wasted gas and extra driving caused by the bridge construction — isn’t this the same Mr. Mickens who opposes the bike path to be built with mostly Federal money?”
Kauai Hospice no ka oe!
My family and I were so pleased to read in the Oct. 13th Garden Island that Kauai Hospice passed with flying colors, the Federal Medicare recertification process.
It was great to view the loving faces in the photograph, along with the article, of the Angels of the Hospice Staff.
During my husband’s 7-month bed-ridden experience I, as primary caregiver, greatly appreciated the loving care and concern for my husband, and also the care and concern for myself. Mahalo nui loa to Nani the aide, Julianna the nurse, they taught me so many things so I was able to efficiently take care of him. I sincerely thank all the other nurses that tended him before he passed a month ago, you all were so wonderful to him.
Mahalo to Donna and Joanne, the volunteers who came to give me a few hours of relief each week so I could do errands, banking, even having dinner or lunch out once in awhile, taking such good care of my husband, I knew he was in good hands.
The Hospice staff was there for us 100 6617108uring this sad and turbulent time in our lives. Thank you Joni and Barry. Thank you all for the proficient, efficient service you provide our community.
God Bless Kauai Hospice!