• Local school boards • D.O.E.’s Dilemma • Princeville birds Local school boards Mina Morita, you surprise me. If you can’t trust the people of Kauai to vote on creating local school boards, why should the voters trust you? Monroe
• Local school boards
• D.O.E.’s Dilemma
• Princeville birds
Local school boards
Mina Morita, you surprise me. If you can’t trust the people of Kauai to vote on creating local school boards, why should the voters trust you?
Monroe Richman
D.O.E.’s Dilemma
Hawai‘i’s D.O.E. has one big problem: Maintaining control over Hawai‘i’s $1.9 billion educational budget! It is that simple. Control of the budget cannot slip from their grasp if they expect to continue discipline deficient classrooms, needless programs, busy work and a tragic, debilitating campaign of turning good teachers into mediocre bureaucrats. Decades of incompetent management, deliberate wasteful spending, favoritism, lack of accountability and, most important, atrocious substandard scholastic achievement must continue. The Board of Education must remain isolated from the community it serves and where accountability is demanded. This system of rewarding failure must survive!
Hawai‘i’s School Superintendent reports that the system is “obsolete” and “failing” Hawai‘i’s school children. What about the parents? The D.O.E.’s new objective is to prohibit parents and grandparents from voting on de-centralizing the D.O.E. and establishing local school boards this election year. Do not let them succeed. Insist upon your elected officials doing their jobs of representing you, your children, your families. It is time to stop stunting our children’s futures and to begin giving them hope… hope of a bright, confident and prosperous future. It is time to allow teachers to teach, bring discipline back into the classroom and reward achievement.
John Hoff
Princeville birds
I am an eleven year old girl, who lives near Princeville and visits there often. Ever since I can remember I have always waited eagerly for the albatross and their young to return to their nests on Pepelani Loop. I was very disappointed this year when I looked for my favorite nests, and they were blocked off with another construction zone. I was concerned because the Albatross always nest in the same place for generations. To help this problem I request that Princeville Board provide a PROTECTED place for the Albatross and their young, near their home.
Angelei Star