• Lent Lent The forty days of Lent will be on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25, and continue until Easter Eve. We do not celebrate Lent! We celebrate Christmas and Easter, but we observe Lent. It is a time of introspection,
• Lent
The forty days of Lent will be on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25, and continue until Easter Eve. We do not celebrate Lent! We celebrate Christmas and Easter, but we observe Lent. It is a time of introspection, of self analysis, of inventory of the soul. Lent, is undeniably Christian in origin dating back to the 4th century. Traditionally, Lent was a time of fasting, not totally, but partially. Fasting may have been borrowed from the experience of Moses, and Christ, fasting for forty days and forty nights.
Though Christian in origin, every religion, or those without religion can benefit from observing Lent. Who among us does not need to “LOOK WITHIN” from time to time. Once a year may not be frequently enough to take inventory of our inner life, thoughts and deeds; but it is better than not doing it at all. What person interested in being a better person cannot profit from some quiet time, some meditating alone.
Lives can be made richer. Our island of Kaua‘i can be made safer, and more spiritual if we all, regardless of church, or temple, or lack of any religion take time to observe Lent.
Rev. Clair H. Fisher
Interim Pastor
Hanapepe Church
of the Nazarene