• Googled and ogled Googled and ogled Americans were so shocked by the sight of Janet Jackson’s bejeweled breast during the Super Bowl halftime show that millions of them found themselves compelled to surf the Web for another look .
• Googled and ogled
Googled and ogled
Americans were so shocked by the sight of Janet Jackson’s bejeweled breast during the Super Bowl halftime show that millions of them found themselves compelled to surf the Web for another look . . . and another. . . and another. We even had to have a look – for research purposes only.
Ms. Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” has become the most searched image in Internet history, Reuters reports, surpassing that other romantic moment in TV history, Madonna’s smooch with Britney Spears at last August’s MTV Music Awards. By sheer coincidence, it was MTV that produced the Super Bowl halftime show.
Altogether, 60 percent more people Googled and ogled Ms. Jackson than the usual Internet leader, the Paris Hilton sex tape. Perhaps next time the Fox Network carries the Super Bowl, Fox’s Ms. Hilton can get even.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch