The Flooring Solutions fire in Puhi Wednesday night also hit the Menehune Water Company. The companies are located back-to-back in Puhi. The water company’s Kaua’i Division manager Dayne Ng, said the fire damaged the company’s office, forcing her to temporarily
The Flooring Solutions fire in Puhi Wednesday night also hit the Menehune Water Company.
The companies are located back-to-back in Puhi.
The water company’s Kaua’i Division manager Dayne Ng, said the fire damaged the company’s office, forcing her to temporarily relocated to a home office.
She said the Menehune Water warehouse is still open, though a water bottling prodution machine is not in use.
Contractors are working on repairing the building, while the company continues to operate delivering water that’s being shipping in from Aiea on O’ahu.
Empties are still being accepted at the warehouse in Puhi, and all employees are still working, Ng said.