• Kama’aina? • Reply to Godes • No Fun • Looking back Kama’aina? As I checked in to the condo complex here on Kauai for what has become a regular return to the “Garden Island,” the nice clerk, smiling, said:
• Kama’aina?
• Reply to Godes
• No Fun
• Looking back
As I checked in to the condo complex here on Kauai for what has become a regular return to the “Garden Island,” the nice clerk, smiling, said: “Oh,Mr. Smith, welcome back. Too bad I no can give you kama’aina rate. You really like a local boy now.”
If she only knew. My family did arrive by interisland steamer at Nawiliwili in September 1941. And, after graduating from Koloa Elementary and Kauai High, I migrated to the mainland for further education and remained to find a job. Just like thousands of other island kids, including – count ’em 53 Kauai-born still with mainland addresses from my 1950 high school class.
And here I was returning to my barefoot roots for the 38th time, Illinois wife in tow, to spend vacation weeks and dollars with no tangible appreciation from a state crying for repeat visitors. This all hit me as HVCB executives continue to moan about what Hawaii should he doing to improve in its competition
for the global tourist.
So, Madam Governor, how about a program of incentives to reward “frequent returners” and us transplants? Look how successful airlines, hotels and rental cars have been in locking-in customer loyalty.
lt just might encourage some of my “snowbird” neighbors in the Chicago area to forget closer and cheaper Florida and Mexico. As well as allowing me to play a few more of your golf courses each January!
Ray Smith
Wheaton, Il.
Reply to Godes
In reply to Stan Godes, who wrote complaining about my letter to the editor of Jan. 6:
Contrary to your interpretation, I was not asking The Garden Island to print only Democratic opinions. Had you read my letter carefully, with an open mind, you would have seen that I was advocating “…a truly fair, bipartisan editorial page…” As models for such, I cited USA Today as the best print media example and C-SPAN as the best example in the broadcast media.
My letter also said, “People who are truly fair and open-minded do like to read and hear all sides of an issue. In fact, those who read or listen to only one side have stopped learning.”
I concluded the letter by asking only for “equal time,” not just Democratic time!
Even though my original letter was printed with several errors (including a major omission in one long paragraph), I would urge Mr. Godes to read it again, keeping in mind his own words: “It is strange how our personal bias affects how we see things.” I would ask him now: Who is more objective – one who wants to read both sides, or one who wants only Republican opinions? I’m proud to say I could never be a “ditto head.”
Barbara Elmore
No Fun
On the island of Kaua’i there is no fun activities. I think that we should have a water park or something that could keep children out of trouble and to have something better then drugs. There is lots of extra space where there can be a place to go for people young.
Marc Oroc Waimea High School
Looking back
As everyone on earth starts a new year with the celebration of life, one usually reflects on the year just passed – 2003. I want to share a Mahalo with the community, going back in time for the past few decades.
Although bittersweet, for me, 2003 was “a very good year,” As a “Baby Boomer,” the following people and organizations have helped to shape my life during the past until today. They are all very important to me. In sequential order, they are as follows: My Parents, siblings, Chaminade College (Chaminade University), nieces and nephews, grand nieces and nephews and all my relatives; my very special and best friend and confidant; Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital; State Department of Health – Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR); Kauai Community College; St. Catherine’s Church; Kapa’a Tenrikyo Church; State of Hawaii Department of Health – Kauai Community Adult Mental Health Center; Coco Palms Resort Hotel; Kauai Beach Boy Hotel; National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI); Immaculate Conception Church; Hawaii State Government – Labor Department; The Makai Club; Kauai Orchid Society; The Big Break, Inc.; Kilauea Agronomics, Inc., Malama Pono; The Salvation Army – Lihu’e; The Food Bank; Kauai Economic Opportunity; Friendship House; Wilcox Hospital; All State Insurance Co., Aloha Beach Resort and Big Wheel Donuts, Hawaii State Public Library System, the Lihu’e and Kapa’a branches, and Leonard’s Inc. To all the above Thank You!
In addition, it is most important that I include the following: All elected officials of our Federal State, and Local government. To ALL military personnel serving all Americans during this time of war. Thank you!
In closing, I want you to know that without a doubt my very “Best New Year” was 1967.” It was a year that I made a decision that shaped my life until today.
Everyone especially our children, students and teachers, Mahalo!
Peace on earth, and goodwill to men!