The dirt area in front of the 7-Eleven store on the corner of Kuhio Highway and Hanama’ulu Road, cordoned off by yellow tape, shows the first signs of the Hanama’ulu beautification project. Volunteers spent Dec. 9 installing a curb, the
The dirt area in front of the 7-Eleven store on the corner of Kuhio Highway and Hanama’ulu Road, cordoned off by yellow tape, shows the first signs of the Hanama’ulu beautification project.
Volunteers spent Dec. 9 installing a curb, the first of several efforts that will result in landscaping of that corner and the corner across the street in front of Peter Rayno Sr.
Still to come are fill dirt, a sprinkler system and final landscaping.
Organizers say the project will be complete by the end of next month. The Hanama’ulu Beautification Committee is planning a dedication for 9 a.m. Jan. 27. Citizens attending the ceremony will be allowed to join in planting flowers and shrubs at the site.
The work is funded by Kaua’i County’s Ho’olokahi Project and corporate sponsors, including Kaua’i Power Partners.
The project is the first for the committee, which is led by president Stanley Oana Jr. The group, which formed to create a sense of community in Hanama’ulu, is recruiting new members by visiting neighborhoods and distributing information about the committee and its goals.
Additional information is available from Eddie Sarita, coordinator of Ho’olokahi, at 241-6623.