HOOSER: Lawmaking 101 — tools of the trade

Rules and regulations, mandates, outright bans, plus financial incentives and disincentives. These are the primary tools used by lawmakers and administrators to accomplish public policy goals needed to preserve and protect “the commons” — our health, natural environment, social justice, and balanced economic interests.

HOOSER: Yes, in my backyard!

Yes, in my backyard! Putting affordable housing in my backyard is totally fine, and if government just gives me a little help — I’ll build it myself.

HOOSER: What can we do to stop the madness?

Innocent civilians: men, women, children, the very old, the very young, are being slaughtered daily. Whether it’s death by bullet, bomb or bayonet, people are being targeted and killed in their homes, sleeping in their beds, shopping in the market, or running through the fields. Their deaths are senseless, criminal, and unjustifiable — regardless of the flag that flies overhead. ​​

HOOSER: 3 steps toward 6 important priorities

Please don’t tell me it’s a waste of time, nobody listens anyway, or that you’re busy. You can be part of the solution or part of the problem. I ask that you please, please, please — today be part of the solution.

HOOSER: Talking trash: two easy and important things you can do

Our one and only Kekaha landfill is approaching maximum capacity. Micro-plastics are being found in the guts of fish and other living things. The trash on the beach, at the side of the road, and floating in huge garbages patches in our oceans — has a direct and negative impact on the health of people and the planet.