‘This is a godsend’

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Charlette Souza carries shoeboxes donated for Operation Christmas Child Monday at Breath of Life church in Rice Shopping Center in Lihue.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Volunters gather to pray over shoeboxes donated to Operation Christmas Child at Breath of Life church in Rice Shopping Center in Lihue.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Volunteers at Breath of Life church at Rice Shopping Center in Lihue take a break before the final shoeboxes are counted Monday. Front row from left are Christina Ensman, Kathie Taylor, HenoHeno Valeria, Greg Honnold Jr., Florence Tavares, Charlette Souza, Marianne Buley, Roberta Zarbaugh, Lora Nemeth, Sheila Ringor and Lani Girl Harthcock. Standing in the truck are Mike Ensman, left, and Kent Zarbaugh.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Kent Zarbaugh stands at the end of a Matson container packed with boxes, each filled with Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, at Breath of Life church at Rice Shopping Center in Lihue.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Greg Honnold Jr. talks story from behind a stack of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes on Monday at Breath of Life church in Rice Shopping Center in Lihue.

Mary Altura and her little brother Gabriel traveled from Eleele to Lihue Monday evening with a special delivery: Two shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.